Sunday 7 August 2016

Oliver became Mio

However hard you try, sometimes something goes wrong ...

In March 2016 Oliver moved to his new family in Germany. Everything seemed to be going well, until a photo on Facebook alarmed us and Klaus and Claudia: Oliver, now 8 months old, looked shockingly thin and dopy.

Klaus immediately contacted the family, but only met incomprehension: the dog was fine, he just does not absorb fat and on the advice of the vet he gets special food. On July 16, Oliver was taken away from the family and taken to a veterinarian. Her comments left no doubt: "That was just in time, much longer Oliver would not have survived."

Once back in the loving hands of Klaus and Claudia and on a special diet, Oliver grew in less than three weeks from 13 kg (with a height of 60cm!) to 20 kg and he is slowly starting to see the fun of life again. He is not there yet, but he's on the right track and fortunately he has not suffered any permanent damage.

Claudia decided to start the way to his new life with a new name: MIO, Croatian for lovable. A name that suits him.

His detailed story can be read on the website of Klaus and Claudia (in German):
Part 1 -
Part 2 -

How could this happen?!? I hear you thinking. Was it the fault of Klaus and Claudia, who ignored their own rule, not to home dogs in families with children under 3 years? No. Was it the fault of mother (in law) Marion, who insisted and promised to assist the young family with advice and help? No. The only one to blame is the young family itself, refusing all help and not wanting to see that Oliver's condition was getting worse.
Sadly, animal welfare is not an exact science and there is always a chance that something does not go as intended.

We thank Marion very much for her resolute and courageous action, and Klaus and Claudia to handle all this on behalf of ACT.

And Mio? For Mio we wish the very best family that exists, and a long and happy life.