Unfortunately, it proved impossible to keep this page is up to date. But...
all dogs can also be found on our Facebook page:
(you will not have to be registered on Facebook!)
In January 2014 we took a Golden Retriever mix puppy from a man in Limenas. He didn't want the little one, but the positive side is that we convinced him to have the mother neutered and he has already made an appointment with the vet.
In February 2014 she travelled to Holland and one week later she found a loving family, who named her Saar.
all dogs can also be found on our Facebook page:
(you will not have to be registered on Facebook!)
In the beginning of 2014 Roxy was spotted in the garden of an empty house in Potos where a volunteer found her. As always we asked around but no one was missing her, so we took her in. She looked like a miniature labrador and was only about 2 months old.
She was lucky to find a flight partner to Düsseldorf in March already and from there she was picked up by a Dutch lady to travel to her foster home in Holland.
But... the lady fell immediately in love with the little girl and wanted to keep her!
In December 2014 they were found near the main road in Limenaria. These small type doggies look a bit like miniature pinschers and are very cute. They were about 3 months old and we treated and vaccinated them.
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Petra, now Lola |
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Paul was renamed Happy, and happy he is! |
In February 2014 Paul and Petra travelled with one of our members to Holland where their new owners were already waiting for them.
Poor Peter had to wait because he needed surgeory on his front paw.
In February 2014 she travelled to Holland and one week later she found a loving family, who named her Saar.
Oscar could stay on the island! During his illness his foster grew so close to him, that he didn't want to let him go anymore.
These two were running free on the streets of Potos in November 2013. Someone informed the vet in Limenaria, who asked us if ACT had room for them. We were lucky to find a man in Agios Georgios willing to foster them for a while. Unfortunately Oscar got seriously ill, but thanks to the good care of the vet and the foster he fully recovered.
Oscar could stay on the island! During his illness his foster grew so close to him, that he didn't want to let him go anymore.
Olivia went to Holland in January 2014. She had to wait a few weeks, but finally found the right family in February.
In November 2013 seven puppies were found in Kalivia next to their dead mother. They were only 2 weeks old... A young lady took them in and after a while they were handed over to ACT. They were devided over 2 foster families on the island and they all grew up as happy little chaps.
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Nash in his BIG bed |
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Nimbus, now called Dixie |
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Nils in his new home |
Nettle who could stay at her foster home |
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Ned who loves to play football |
Six of the puppies left in January and February 2014. They flew to Düsseldorf and from there had to travel to Holland. They all arrived safely and found their forever homes in a short time.
What happend to the 7th puppy? The foster family on Thassos fell in love with the only girl of the litter and wanted to keep her. So Nettle didn't have to travel, she just stayed where she was.

Because of her skin problem she had to wait a long time to travel. But after a year she flew to Germany and in december 2013 she moved to her loving family.
In September 2013 Layla roamed the streets around the market in Prinos, when English tourists saw her and had a 2nd look because her coat was so special. As it turned out, the poor thing was totally matted and could hardly walk. She wore a collar, so they asked around who the owner was. When that was not to find out, they decided to take her home and contacted ACT. Since we had no place to foster the dog at that moment, the English took her for a while and started to cut off the lumps of matted hair. It was a bag full of more than a kilo! After a wash she looked a lot better and Layla, as she was called, turned out to be a nice, sweet and even house trained dog. Not much later there was a possibility on a flight to Amsterdam.
Layla found a new home within a week and is now happily living in Holland.
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Kelly at the airport with her new owner |
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Kiwi with his new friend |
Katie and Kelly left together in September 2013 to Holland. Kelly was picked up from the airport by her new owner and Katie found a new home 2 weeks later.
Also Kiwi went to Holland in September and has now a new family with a doggie friend.

Last but not least Kali left us in October to go to Holland and in 2 weeks she was so lucky to find a loving family. (no picture yet)
Jasper went to Klaus on 4-8-2013 and 26-9 he has found his forever home.
He had to wait a while for the right match, but now he has a famous owner as well: a well known Dutch author who lives partly in the Eifel in Germany. Everything we ever wished for Jasper.
Dina, the mother of Flora, Frida and Freddy (see below 05-2013) also found a home in Germany on 29-7-2013. Her new family loves her very very much.
Holly and Hilda |
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Henry |
Holly and Hilda flew on 13-7-2013 to Germany. A friendly couple wanted to adopt one of them, but couldn't decide if it would be Holly of Hilda. So... they took both of them!
Henry went to Holland on 16-7-2013 where Sandra handed him over to his new family on 9-8-2013.
India could fly soon to Klaus in Germany and found a new home within 2 days!

A family in The Netherlands saw Granny on the Adoption Site of Dierenhulp zonder Grenzen (Animal Help without Borders) and felt so sorry for her that they decided to take her.
In July 2013 she flew to Holland to move to her forever home and enjoy the rest of her life.

Ruby was probably born at the end of 2011. She is sterilized and of course vaccinated. She is a medium to large dog with a rough brown/black/grey coat. She has a gentle nature, walks well on the lead and loves to play with other dogs.
They were extra lucky, because we still had one foster family available.
Giant = Jack |
Gizmo |
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Goldie = Lupo |
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Gus = Ted |
In May 2013 they all flew to Germany and Klaus found them loving families.
After 3 months the puppies were bigger and of course ate more and the family had to conclude that it was becoming too expensive and too much work. They called ACT to ask if we could help. Luckily we had room so we went to Limenas to pick the mother and puppies up. But after 2 days the phone rang again: they had fallen so in love with the black boy (we called him Freddy), that they asked if they could please have him back. And so we said ‘of course‘ being sure that the little fellow would have a good home there.
Meanwhile all four were vaccinated and the mother dog will be sterilized soon.
The little sisters Frida (brown) and Flora (white) will go to Klaus in Germany on the 11th of May, where surely they will find a forever home soon.
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Frida |
Flora |
Eleni was found at the end of March 2013 wandering near the village of Kalivia. We asked around, but nobody was missing her. She was lucky to find a flight partner a month later end flew to Holland. After a while in a foster home of Animal Help without Borders (Dierenhulp zonder Grenzen) she found her forever home.
We were sad to hear that one of her front legs is growing faster than the others and that she has a heart problem. Fortunately her new family doesn't mind and love her even more.
Update from her new family 21-2-2014: her leg is okay and her heart problem doesn't bother her.
Eleni, now called Mooz, February 2014 |
In January 2013 these four puppies were left behind in an olive grove; a plastic bag in which they were probably dumped was lying beside them. Luckily they were found by a Greek man. He contacted the vet, who asked if ACT could possibly foster them.

They were treated for worms and fleas and vaccinated and stayed in a temporary home with one of the volunteers in Theologos.
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Daphne = Emma |
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Darby |
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Dempsey = Flip |
Update 11-4-2013: Daphne has found a home!!!
Update 16-4-2013: Darby found a new home and Digby is asked for!
Update 27-4-2013: Digby is with his new family and is doing very well and in August he will even emigrate with his family to France! Dempsey was so loved by the children of the foster family that... he could stay!!! He is now called Flip.
She was found in December 2012 beside the road in the bushes near the Palataki in Limenaria, not even 2 weeks old and already very cold. But Christy was strong and became a big girl. In March 2013 she found a new home in Germany where she has a very BIG friend.Chrisy 50 days old |
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Christy = Sissy |